

.Shi Hair : Kadosh / Unisex . E-Bronde : new hair  The Crossroads ((joy.laperriere)unisex

:::c.A.:: Ines Bodysuit *Black* RARE: The Gacha Garden (yukachoco.magic)
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;-_-)/ GO to gacha ♪
[White~Widow] Loving - White : We 3RP new tattoo (Julie Hastings) 2color Coming soon

Le Poppycock *Windblown* A B : new pose TCF (Olivia Lalonde)

Thunk! Fall Pallet Stage Box RARE : TCF gacha (obeloinkment.wrigglesworth)
Thunk! French Horn Gold & Lillies
Thunk! Trumpet Gold & Pale
floorplan. pallet light wall / grey : (Tegan Serin)
Pixel Mode - Victoria's Bath  - Clawtub : gacha (Tya Fallingbridge)
{anc} suger rose field [FAT]  : (aki69)
 {anc} Confetti. [gold] : (aki69)

*The Gacha Garden*  ::c.A.:: Ines gacha (yukachoco.magic)
::c.A.:: Ines Bra & Panties *Pink*  
What color is your favorite?
Monday Pink
Tuesday Blue
. . . .
White to A♂
Black to B♂
. . . .
 ァ '`,、'`,、('∀`) '`,、'`,、 
Usage is each person.
ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=ε=(;-_-)/ GO to gacha ♪

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